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International Conference: Preserving Memory and Sustaining Gains in a Disruptive Age

Photo du rédacteur: Jessica MwizaJessica Mwiza

Dernière mise à jour : 29 oct. 2024


This panel with young Rwandan professionals will focus on memory and the need to invest more in its preservation and transmission to future generations, in an era where disinformation and sophisticated forms of denial and revisionism pollute public discourse. As the next generation in the aftermath of the Genocide, how are we addressing the invisible challenge of mental well-being and how it affects all aspects of our life as a nation? How have the gains made so far allowed us to flourish, and take responsibility for sustaining and extending that progress? How are we living a renewed sense of peace and identity, and how is it helping us to reconnect with our humanity

Moderator: Jeanine Munyeshuli, activist


  • -  Jessica Gérondal Mwiza, Ibuka France

  • -  Laure Iyaga, CEO, Sana Initiative, Rwanda

  • -   Laeticia Tran Ngoc, Ibuka Belgique

  • -  Emmanuel Ndayizigiye, agronomist, Rwanda

  • -  Moses Turahirwa, fashion designer, Moshions, Rwanda

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